Setzen Sie sich mit einem Brief für die Journalisten Wa Lone und Kyaw Soe Oo ein:
The two journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were arrested on 12 December 2017 because they were investigating a violent army crackdown on Rohingyas in N.Rakhine State, and in particular the execution of ten Rohingya men by soldiers and members of the police in the village of Inn Din, Maungdaw township in early September 2017. The military admitted that soldiers had been involved in the killings. For Amnesty International and the international community, the two journalists were acting according to international law and the UN Conventions and are therefore innocent prisoners of conscience.
There has been a worrying erosion of press freedom in Myanmar in the last two years. Those who report on sensitive subjects – in particular military abuses – face intimidation and harassment and at times arrest, detention, prosecution and even imprisonment. The right to freedom of expression is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and in International Law to which Myanmar is also subjected.
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